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Apply for Admission

2020 applications are now open

Registration for admission starts in the month of February every year for Nursery, Primary, Higher primary and High school.

OM SHREE Foundations

A trust registered with the sole aim of imparting value based education in a healthy and pleasant environment.

Omshree thinks that the responsibility of a school is to create an atmosphere of opportunity to students to develop their skills in the field of education, arts, sports, debate, theater, human service etc.. Omshree provides rich and nourishing environment, inculcates in one respect to elders, devotion to god and Yoga, apart from teaching by trained, well qualified teachers.

School Bus

We have school buses for the safe transportation of students, from Nursery to 9th standard.

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Outlet for Text books

We have an outlet that supplies text books, stationery and school uniform.

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Children’s Play Area

A 1.5 acres large play ground with trees planted all around to play all outdoor games.

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Physical Education

Experienced and qualified instructors are available to train students in Athletics.

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Academic program

As per the three language policy of the state government, Omshree Public School offers the following combination of languages.

A. Languages

  • 1. First language – English
  • 2. Second language – Kannada
  • 3. Third language – Hindi
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B. Core Subjects

  • 1. Mathematics
  • 2. Science
  • 3. Social Science
  • 4. Computer Science to all students from I to X Std.
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Thoughts to Remember

Be united

Speak in Harmony

Let your minds think alike

Common be your Prayer

Common be the end of your assembly

Common be your resolution

Common be your deliberation

Unifield be your hearts

Common be your intentions

Perfect be your understanding.

  • Nursery to std X (Monday to Friday) 9.30 am to 3.40 pm
  • Std I to std X (Saturday) 9.30 am to 1.00 pm

- Rigveda

Parents – Teachers Meeting
Student Executive Body
Advisory Board
Academic scholarships

Parents – Teachers Meeting

For the alround development of the child, we organize periodic parent teacher meetings, this facilities a positive dialogue between the teachers and parents. All parents are encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings actively and contribute to the development of their children. Twice a year full fledged parents, teachers and management meetings are held and the proceedings recorded.

Student Executive Body

A nominated student body organizes and co-ordinates the school’s co – curricular activities, under the guidance of the staff. Student members are nominated from each class to be a part of the executive body.

Advisory Board

A team of eminent experienced teachers and related professionals form the advisory Board of Omshree Foundations. The Board meets at periodic intervals and offers constructive guidance and suggestions for quality improvement of the school in all areas.

Academic scholarships

To encourage excellence in academics, the school offers scholarships to outstanding, deserving meritorious students.


  • It is compulsory for students to wear prescribed uniforms while attending school.
  • Students are not allowed to wear valuable jewellery to school.
  • Regular attendance and punctuality are to be maintained. Attendance to the assembly is compulsory.
  • Students should be neatly dressed in their uniforms during school hours.
  • They should maintain cordial relations with other students, obey the instructions of their teachers and abide by the rules and regulations of the school.
  • Any act of misconduct by the students is liable to have them dismissed from the school.
  • Students will be held responsible for any damage to school property caused by them.

Fee Payments

  • Admission and other miscellaneous fees must be paid at the time of admission.
  • Once the admission fees is paid, it will not be refunded.
  • Fee for all 10 months should be paid.
  • The monthly tuition fee is collected every six months in advance.